Heeerrreee We Go!
Much jubiilatiion over not haviing to rename thiis websiite. (Welcome back Mr. Hunter)
We’d love to see you bat .285 with 30 and 100…II’m just sayiin’
He Who Shall Not Be Named
We have very few rules on this site…but here’s one. We will NOT be talking about players who it may have been incredibly awesome to watch in their second season strike out innumerable hitters with a dirty, dirty slider. As a matter of fact, from here on out it is illegal for anyone to even mention his name.
Actual Baseball…now with less Sid Hartman
The origin of this group was not blog-based. We do actually gather on Tuesdays to watch Real Baseball. If the club is at home, we take advantage of Half-Price Tuesdays ($9.50 this year…enjoy my money Mr. Pohlad). If the club is on the road, we attempt to find enough couch space and/or barstools to accommodate the legions and legions of loyal TWT followers.
Finally, TPX has come back to the Metrodome!
Welcome back, Fat Matt. Expect regular stat updates along the lines of a graph outlining LeCroy’s home run per at bat ratio compared with the rise in global temperature. That’s right…TWT is now eco-friendly. All of this is dependent on him making the team…or any team for that matter. Can we open a Rochester chapter of TWT?
Probably not. I’m sure the Twins will do everything they can to frame themselves as underdogs again. We didn’t sign anyone big…the Tigers got Bonds Jr…the Indians can’t possibly underachieve again, can they?
We’d love to see you bat .285 with 30 and 100…II’m just sayiin’
He Who Shall Not Be Named
We have very few rules on this site…but here’s one. We will NOT be talking about players who it may have been incredibly awesome to watch in their second season strike out innumerable hitters with a dirty, dirty slider. As a matter of fact, from here on out it is illegal for anyone to even mention his name.
Actual Baseball…now with less Sid Hartman
The origin of this group was not blog-based. We do actually gather on Tuesdays to watch Real Baseball. If the club is at home, we take advantage of Half-Price Tuesdays ($9.50 this year…enjoy my money Mr. Pohlad). If the club is on the road, we attempt to find enough couch space and/or barstools to accommodate the legions and legions of loyal TWT followers.
Finally, TPX has come back to the Metrodome!
Welcome back, Fat Matt. Expect regular stat updates along the lines of a graph outlining LeCroy’s home run per at bat ratio compared with the rise in global temperature. That’s right…TWT is now eco-friendly. All of this is dependent on him making the team…or any team for that matter. Can we open a Rochester chapter of TWT?
Probably not. I’m sure the Twins will do everything they can to frame themselves as underdogs again. We didn’t sign anyone big…the Tigers got Bonds Jr…the Indians can’t possibly underachieve again, can they?
Blah, blah, blah.
Batting Champ. Cy-Young. AL MVP. C’mon…expect to win, boys.
Extreme Expectations
Expect lots of storylines beginning “Was He Worth It” after the crazy off-season spending spree. I’m hopeful that our resident BoSox expert, Pooh, can keep us abreast of my favorite off-season signing…and also my favorite Jingoistic Mispronunciation Disguising Itself As A Nickname…Dice-K. And don’t forget…we now get to see Gil Meche nineteen times a year!
Bonds, Bonds, Bonds
Yeah, we’ll have something to say. But not yet. I’d prefer to concentrate on the good stuff for now. One of my favorite books growing up was “I Had A Hammer: The Hank Aaron Story”…so you can probably guess how this is going to go.
The Quiet Genius
It is well known around these parts that I have mad respect for the Twins GM. So much so that I’ve managed to block-out the late 90’s completely from my memory. However, it’s also fairly well known that I’m a bearded socialist…and sometimes think about things outside of the box that is Bud Selig. It is with that in mind that I am announcing the (for now) grassroots movement to get Terry Ryan to become a Senator representing the great state of Minnesota in the Congress of These United States of America (That’s still where they keep the Senate, right?). Forget Norm Coleman (please). Forget Al Franken (equally, please). Sure, Mr. Ryan has been able to thrive in the economically ridiculous setting of Major League Baseball. But we here at TWT believe he will truly blossom as a Leader of Men (or a Woman if you are one*) once allowed to speak his mind free of the silliness that is professional sports. Seeing as how this is a very busy time of year for The Quiet Genius…we here at TWT gladly accept the great honor of crafting his message, writing his speeches, and scheduling all campaign-related personal appearances. Thank-you in advance for your support.
(*line ripped off from this guy)

Other things we’ll be discussing before too long include:
Defending a division title that you actually only held for one day
Trading your closer; pros and cons
New nicknames for Cuddy…Bubblegoose is the early leader
On-going teasing of Pooh as all the new faces in Red Sox Nation fail to “gel”
Sidney Ponson…man or eating machine?
Do we call the Twins pitching staff The Young Guns or something less Emilio-centric?
Extreme Expectations
Expect lots of storylines beginning “Was He Worth It” after the crazy off-season spending spree. I’m hopeful that our resident BoSox expert, Pooh, can keep us abreast of my favorite off-season signing…and also my favorite Jingoistic Mispronunciation Disguising Itself As A Nickname…Dice-K. And don’t forget…we now get to see Gil Meche nineteen times a year!
Bonds, Bonds, Bonds
Yeah, we’ll have something to say. But not yet. I’d prefer to concentrate on the good stuff for now. One of my favorite books growing up was “I Had A Hammer: The Hank Aaron Story”…so you can probably guess how this is going to go.
The Quiet Genius
It is well known around these parts that I have mad respect for the Twins GM. So much so that I’ve managed to block-out the late 90’s completely from my memory. However, it’s also fairly well known that I’m a bearded socialist…and sometimes think about things outside of the box that is Bud Selig. It is with that in mind that I am announcing the (for now) grassroots movement to get Terry Ryan to become a Senator representing the great state of Minnesota in the Congress of These United States of America (That’s still where they keep the Senate, right?). Forget Norm Coleman (please). Forget Al Franken (equally, please). Sure, Mr. Ryan has been able to thrive in the economically ridiculous setting of Major League Baseball. But we here at TWT believe he will truly blossom as a Leader of Men (or a Woman if you are one*) once allowed to speak his mind free of the silliness that is professional sports. Seeing as how this is a very busy time of year for The Quiet Genius…we here at TWT gladly accept the great honor of crafting his message, writing his speeches, and scheduling all campaign-related personal appearances. Thank-you in advance for your support.
(*line ripped off from this guy)

Other things we’ll be discussing before too long include:
Defending a division title that you actually only held for one day
Trading your closer; pros and cons
New nicknames for Cuddy…Bubblegoose is the early leader
On-going teasing of Pooh as all the new faces in Red Sox Nation fail to “gel”
Sidney Ponson…man or eating machine?
Do we call the Twins pitching staff The Young Guns or something less Emilio-centric?
If you publish a Twins blog and nobody reads it, does it make a sound when a tree falls on your house?
You get the idea.
You get the idea.
Happy Pitchers and Catchers Reporting
Game on.
Check out the newly organized links bar too...it's over
It's finally here, I can taste the foot long Chicago Dogs now. I think I'm looking most forward to that first picture of TPX in catching gear...first 15 AB's in spring training, 2 doubles, 2 HR, 1 bloop single, 10k's.
TRyan for anything! Although, do we really want to lose the only really good GM in town? How about we let him spearhead the Minneapolis GM club and he gets the ability to hire/fire the other GM's as he sees fit?
I look at the 90's as TRyan's time to re-build the farm system, try out a few signing's & trades to see what works, and set the organization up for the 2000's. Now that the foundation is strong, the top will be that much better.
Viva la Bubblegoose!
Terry Ryan for Senate? I'm intrigued.
Also, yay baseball!
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